WWPBA League Rules

Rules are subject to change and will be updated accordingly if and when there is a change

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COVID-19 Statement:

All league players assume responsibility for their own health.  By playing in the league, each player acknowledges this and cannot hold the league liable for any issues that may or may not be related to COVID-19 or any other public health related concern that may present itself in the future.


The guidelines that are being enforced or recommended by the CDC (www.cdc.gov), state-wide mandates, in public places, within buildings, etc. are still fluid and constantly changing.

  • Each player should evaluate how they feel before heading out to shoot pool. If you do not feel well, have any COVID-19 like symptoms or have had any contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you should stay home and self-isolate.

Some best practices we should all implement to stay safe:

  • Bring your own chalk
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Use your own pool sticks
  • Do not shake hands and maintain social distancing of 6 feet
  • Bring hand sanitizer and use regularly